Application For Certification

What is Certified Practice?

CSHBC’s first priority, as mandated by the BC government, is to protect the public by ensuring clients and patients receive safe, ethical, and competent care for the full range of services, including activities deemed higher risk by the Ministry of Health.

As set by the Ministry of Health, the Speech and Hearing Health Professionals Regulation outlines the higher-risk practices that require certification before a registrant can perform them independently. Certified practices involve above entry level requirements but may or may not involve restricted activities.

Certified Practice (CP) certificates provide registrants with independence and autonomy in specific practice areas that involve above entry level requirements. To be granted certification, registrants must first complete the relevant certification program. The Certified Practice & Above Entry Level Practice Standard of Practice (PDF) outlines overall certification program requirements and the overall certification process. See the Applying for Certification section below for more information.

Certification Programs

There are 10 CSHBC CP Certification Programs for above entry level clinical practices. Click on “Prerequisites” and “Program Objectives” to read prerequisites and program objectives for each program.  

Certificate A: Vestibular Assessment & Management 

  • Prerequisite 1: Full Registration Status as a Registered Audiologist (RAUD)
  • Prerequisite 2: Completion of a minimum 3-credit hour, graduate-level training course from an accredited training program which focused on vestibular anatomy, physiology, assessment, and management OR equivalent course if specified graduate course not completed within the past 7 years
  • Objective 1 & 2: Attain background knowledge for the Vestibular Assessment & Management Certificate
  • Objective 3: Make appropriate patient / client selection
  • Objective 4: Understand the vestibular assessment & treatment
  • Objective 5: Perform the vestibular assessment & management services
  • Objective 6: Accurately interpret the vestibular assessment results

Certificate B: Cochlear Implant Assessment & Management

  • Prerequisite 1: Full Registration Status as a Registered Audiologist (RAUD)
  • Prerequisite 2: Completion of a graduate-level course in cochlear implant management, including candidacy, assessment, programming, and equipment maintenance and post-implant evaluation OR a substantially equivalent course if specified graduate course not completed within the past 7 years
  • Objective 1: Attain foundational knowledge for Cochlear Implant management
  • Objective 2: Attain the background clinical knowledge for CI assessment & Management
  • Objective 3: Make appropriate patient/client selection
  • Objective 4: Understand the contraindications, precautions and potential complications of cochlear implantation
  • Objective 5: Perform the cochlear implant services

Certificate C: Cerumen Assessment & Management

  • Pre-requisite 1: Full Registration Status as a Registered Audiologist (RAUD) or a Registered Hearing Instrument Practitioner (RHIP)
  • Objective 1: Attain background knowledge for the Cerumen Assessment & Management Certificate
  • Objective 2: To inspect visually via hand-held otoscope or head light (mirror) and speculum the pinna, EAC and TM for presence of obstructing material, evidence of lesions or ongoing infectious process, evidence of anatomical anomalies that may affect the satisfactory completion of the desired procedures; and obtain a relevant history concerning conditions of the outer and middle ear, or past medical/surgical procedures of the outer and/or middle ear
  • Objective 3: To inspect the EAC and TM visually via hand-held pneumatic otoscope or head light (mirror) and for determining the mobility of the TM
  • Objective 4: To inspect the EAC and TM visually prior to and following procedures involving insertion of instruments or other materials into the EAC for documenting status of the EAC and TM
  • Objective 5: To determine if occluding material visualized In the EAC is cerumen and if it can be removed comfortably and safely without the use of an operating microscope
  • Objective 6: To determine if the procedure to be performed should be deferred, based on pinna, EAC and TM inspection, and if referral to an otolaryngologist is indicated
  • Objective 7: To establish appropriate protocol with medical personnel to handle EAC abrasion or laceration that could result from cerumen/desquamation material removal
  • Objective 8: To select appropriate method and remove occluding cerumen or refer to an otolaryngologist for removal once determining that: (a) contact with the TM is required or likely to occur; (b) the occluding material is not cerumen; (c) the comfort or safety of the patient may be compromised. (These represent suggested situations and are not intended to be an exhaustive list.)
  • Objective 9: To demonstrate clinical performance and decision making in cerumen removal with increasing level of independence expected

Certificate D: Hearing Instrument Dispensing for Children Ages 12-16

  • Pre-requisite 1: Full Registration Status as a Registered Hearing Instrument Practitioner (RHIP)
  • Prerequisite 2: Completion of formal coursework within the past 7 years in paediatric hearing instrument dispensing approved by the Quality Assurance & Professional Practice (QAPP) Committee
  • Objective 1: Attain foundation knowledge for providing hearing instrument dispensing services to children aged 12 to 1
  • Objective 2: Attain the background clinical knowledge for providing hearing instrument dispensing services to children
  • Objective 3: Make appropriate patient / client selection and determining candidacy
  • Objective 4: Understand assessment procedures appropriate to the population, including risks and precautions
  • Objective 5: Perform children’s hearing instrument fitting and provide assistive listening technology and habilitation
  • Objective 6: Accurately interpret the hearing results and evaluate outcomes
  • Objective 7: Counsel monitor and document client progress

Certificate E: Flexible Endoscopic Evaluation of Voice & Swallowing (FEEVS) for Adults

  • Prerequisite 1: Full Registration Status as a Registered Speech-Language Pathologist (RSLP)
  • Objective 1: Attain foundational experience for attaining the Flexible Endoscopic Evaluation of Voice & Swallowing (FEEVS) certificate
  • Objective 2: Attain the background clinical knowledge for conducting FEEVS
  • Objective 3: Make appropriate patient/client selection
  • Objective 4: Understand the FEEVS procedure, including risks and precautions
  • Objective 5: Perform the endoscopic procedure independently
  • Objective 6: Interpret the endoscopy results

Certificate G: Tracheoesophageal Voice Restoration Assessment & Management

  • Prerequisite 1: Full Registration Status as a Registered Speech-Language Pathologist (RSLP)
  • Objective 1: Foundational Experience for assessing and managing voice disorders and restoration using tracheoesophageal puncture (TEP) techniques and prostheses
  • Objective 2: Attain the background clinical knowledge for tracheoesophageal voice restoration and tracheostoma care in the total laryngectomy population
  • Objective 3: Client selection and candidacy for tracheoesophageal voice restoration
  • Objective 4: Perform voice prosthesis removal, sizing, and insertion independently
  • Objective 5: Client education and teaching for voice prosthesis, tracheoesophageal puncture and tracheostoma care
  • Objective 6: Problem solving related to TEP and stoma
  • Objective 7: Client selection and candidacy for tracheostoma attachments, including adhesive peristomal housings and intraluminal devices
  • Objective 8: Client Selection and Candidacy for Heat & Moisture Exchanger (HME)
  • Objective 9: Client Selection and Candidacy for hands free speech
  • Objective 10: Perform tracheostoma attachment fittings, HME placement and hands-free speech system placement.
  • Objective 11: Client Education and Teaching for tracheostoma attachments, HME and hands-free speech system
  • Objective 12: To resolve problems related to maintaining seal and fit of tracheostoma attachments

Certificate H: Communication & Swallowing Assessment & Management for Tracheostomy

Certificate H(a): Adults, no Speaking Valves (NSV)

Certificate H(b): Paediatrics, no Speaking Valves (NSV)

Certificate H(c): Adults & Paediatrics, no Speaking Valves (NSV)

Certificate H(d): Adults, with Speaking Valves (SV)

Certificate H(e): Paediatrics, with Speaking Valves (SV)

Certificate H(f): Adults & Paediatrics, with Speaking Valves (SV)

  • Full Registration Status as a Registered Speech Language Pathologist (RSLP)
  • Objective 1: Attain foundational knowledge for working with clients who have a tracheostomy, with or without ventilator dependency
  • Objective 2: Attain the background clinical knowledge for swallowing and communication care in patients with a tracheostomy, with or without ventilator dependency
  • Objective 3: Understand the assessment and diagnostic communication and swallowing parameters for patients with tracheostomy and/or ventilator dependency
  • Objective 4: Understand the management options available for communication and swallowing disorders in a trached or ventilated patient
  • Objective 5: Gain proficiency in documenting assessment and diagnostic results and interventions
  • Objective 6: Understand and be proficient in the use of Talking Trach tubes and/or one-way speaking valves as a communication treatment option

Certificate I: Videofluoroscopic Assessment & Management of Adult Swallowing Disorders

  • Prerequisite 1: Full Registration Status as a Registered Speech-Language Pathologist (RSLP)
  • Prerequisite 2: Completion of a 3-credit graduate-level course in general dysphagia (including VFSS) or an equivalent dysphagia course(s) (minimum 8 hours) within the past 7 years
  • Objective 1: Attain foundational knowledge for working with clients who require a VFSS
  • Objective 2: Attain the background clinical knowledge for conducting VFSS
  • Objective 3: Client candidacy and selection
  • Objective 4: Understand the assessment and diagnostic implications of the VFSS
  • Objective 5: Perform the VFSS independently
  • Objective 6: Accurately interpret the VFSS results
  • Objective 7: Document and plan follow-up management

Certificate J: Videofluoroscopic Assessment & Management of Paediatric Disorders

  • Prerequisite 1: Full Registration Status as a Registered Speech-Language Pathologist (RSLP)
  • Prerequisite 2: Completion of a 3-credit graduate-level course in general dysphagia (including VFSS) or an equivalent dysphagia course(s) (minimum 8 hours) within the past 7 years
  • Objective 1: Attain foundational knowledge for working with paediatric clients who require a VFSS
  • Objective 2: Attain the background clinical knowledge for conducting VFSS
  • Objective 3: Client candidacy & selection
  • Objective 4: Understand the assessment and diagnostic implications of the VFSS
  • Objective 5: Perform the VFSS independently
  • Objective 6: Accurately interpret the VFSS results
  • Objective 7: Document and plan follow-up management

Certificate K: Management of Airway Secretions

Certificate K(a): Management of Airway Secretions (Oropharyngeal Suctioning)

  • Prerequisite 1: Full Registration Status as a Registered Speech-Language Pathologist (RSLP)
  • Objective 1: Attain background knowledge for oropharyngeal suctioning
  • Objective 2: Perform oropharyngeal suctioning
  • Objective 3: Results and Client Outcomes

Certificate K(b): Management of Airway Secretions (Oropharyngeal & Tracheal Suctioning)

  • Prerequisite 1: Full Registration Status as a Registered Speech-Language Pathologist (RSLP)
  • Prerequisite 2: For Certificate K(b) (Oropharyngeal & Tracheal Suctioning), applications must hold a valid Certificate G or Certificate H
  • Objective 1: Attain background knowledge for oropharyngeal suctioning
  • Objective 2: Perform oropharyngeal suctioning
  • Objective 3: Results and Client Outcomes
  • Objective 4: Attain background knowledge for tracheal suctioning
  • Objective 5: Perform tracheal suctioning
  • Objective 6: Results and Client Outcomes

Applying for Certification

Only Full registrants of CSHBC may apply to commence and complete the program for a CP certificate. Certification is not available to Conditional, Temporary, or Non-practising registrants.

Each Certification Program details the specific prerequisites and the levels of supervision required during training. The Supervision Standard of Practice (PDF) describes what each level of supervision entails. All CP certificate supervisors must meet the qualifications for supervision outlined in the Supervision Standard of Practice and in some instances must be pre-approved by CSHBC. See Certification program supervisors below for more information.

Different Certification Programs have different prerequisites and objectives, which registrants must understand and adhere to. All prerequisites must be met before the certification program commences. Full registration status must also be granted before an applicant may commence the certification program.

The timeframe for completion of a certification program can vary based on an individual applicant’s program needs and objective requirements within a particular certification program. Applications will be rejected if all prerequisites were not met prior to commencing the program and/or program objective(s) are not satisfactorily completed. Registrants with questions about certification program prerequisites and program objectives should contact CSHBC by email: [email protected].

To apply for commencement of a certification program, download and complete the Application for Certification Program form (PDF). Then log in to the CSHBC Registrant Portal, navigate to “Certified Practice”, and click “Yes” next to “Apply for a Certified Practice certificate” to submit the completed form and pay the $100 application fee (per certificate). Once pre-approved by the Registration Committee, you will be issued a copy of the certification program, which outlines the objectives that must be completed under supervision.

Important: All certification programs must be completed within three years of receiving CSHBC’s pre-approval to initiate the program.

What if I am partway through the certification application process and I haven’t completed the Application for Certification Program form?

Registrants who are partway through an application for a certification program, as of April 26, 2023, should notify CSHBC of your certification application status by sending an email to [email protected]. CSHBC will make a determination about whether certification program applicants, in this transitional period to a modified application process for certification, will need to fill out the new Application For Certification Program form.

Certification program supervisors

Important: It is the responsibility of the registrant completing a certification program to ensure their supervisor is appropriately qualified, in line with the Supervision Standard of Practice (PDF). Eligibility criteria include that the supervisor themselves holds the relevant CP certificate and has done so for at least six months. All CP certificate supervisors must meet the qualifications for supervision outlined in the Supervision Standard of Practice and in some instances – for example where the proposed supervisor is not a CSHBC registrant – must be pre-approved by CSHBC. Instances of an applicant training under a supervisor who does not meet the certified practice supervisory qualification requirements may be referred to the Inquiry Committee and would be subject to possible disciplinary action.

Once the certified practice program commences, a formal request to change or add certification program supervisors is required. To request a change to, or addition of, a certification program supervisor, registrants must download the Request for Additional Certification Program Supervisor form (PDF). Submit your completed form to [email protected].

Registration Committee review

Final decision-making authority with respect to granting certification rests with the Registration Committee. The Committee will provide reasons for its decision and the registrant will be notified.

Review of completed certification programs falls under two broad categories:

  • Standard reviews – where it is clear that each of the certification program requirements is met.
  • Non-standard reviews – where it is unclear that one or more of the requirements is met. 

The Registration Committee delegates authority to the CSHBC Registrar to approve standard applications; however, non-standard applications must be reviewed by the Registration Committee. These applications generally take longer to be processed given it can take time to gather any additional relevant information and have the Registration Committee consider the matter.

When a registrant is granted certification, CSHBC will advise them of the expiry date of that CP certificate. This expiry date will be on March 31 in the third year following the year that the certificate was issued. When CP certificates are renewed, they are valid for three full years.

Certification renewal

CP certificates must be renewed before the end of the March 31 registration renewal period in the registration year they expire. Renewal of CP certificates is contingent on:

  • holding Full registration classification
  • making the required declarations, including declaring continued provision of the services authorized by the certificate
  • completing and reporting a minimum of 4 Continuing Competency Credits (CCCs) as relevant to the area of practice pertaining to that CP certificate.

Important: Continuing to practice under the scope of an expired CP certificate constitutes unlawful practice, which is subject to disciplinary action by CSHBC.

For more information  

See the Notice to the Professions: Modified application process for Certified Practice certificates now in effect

Questions about Certified Practice should be sent to [email protected].

College of Speech and Hearing Health Professionals of British Columbia

900 – 200 Granville St
Vancouver, BC, V6C 1S4

Phone: 604.742.6380
Toll-free: 1.888.742.6380
Email: [email protected]